장연탁 조각 전시회
육체적 노동의 양에 따르면 교향악단에서 누가 가장 많이 받아야할까? 바이올린 연주가? 탐파니 주자 혹은 지휘자? 회화, 판화, 건축, 조각등 미술의 쟝느에 이러한 유머를 적용하면, 조각가야 말로 노동에 대해 가장 적은 임금을 받고 있지 않는가 싶다. 톱으로 돌을 짜르고, 망치와 끌로 쪼아대고 그리고 경우에 따라 샌드페이퍼로 표면을 거울처럼 만들려면 조각이야말로 노동집약적 작업이라 하겠다. 그래서 나는 조각 […]
The Weight of Wings
By Yeon-Tak Chang It seems fortunate that wings were not given to human beings.Human beings do not hope to have wings to fly. Angels, who have the appearance of human beings have wings. For human beings, the dream of wings is the thirst and longing for endless freedom.In my childhood, I enjoyed flying kites on […]
The Silent Echo, the Locus of Yeon-Tak Chang’s Arting
By Kil-Young Yoo Silence, absence of sound that is attended while it is voided. Knowledge has no end. Life has an end. To chase/pursue knowledge, which has no end, with life, which has an end, is dangerous.1 but Man pursues black on white.2 “Arting3” is Yeon-Tak Chang’s endless questioning about his spiritual identity and endless […]
The Resolution of the Paradox
By Doug L. Robinson, Sculptor Yeon-Tak Chang has a deep awareness of the balance between kinetic and potential energy. The concepts of freedom and flight are opposed to the density of stone, yet Chang succeeds in releasing marble from its gravitational pull and his forms appear to fly and dance. Working without models, he works […]
An Endless Journey to Unknown Space
By Michael C. Irving, Ph.D. Chisel rhythmically beating on stone like a poet, like the wind. Like a rock, climbing, struggling with self, challenging sculptor and humanity, reaching up to be free. Yeon-Tak Chang’s sculptural images are simple and powerful. The forms are innovative and simultaneously connected to age-old artforms and philosophy. The sculpture is […]